Lunch Menu & Order Form

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Welcome to E.A.A.P.A'S Lunch order form and menu. 🎉This form has two separate spaces for ordering lunch. If you have more than one scholar simply click next and you'll find another section where you can place an order for your second scholar. This ensures that each child's meal preferences are submitted individually.

How many scholars will you be ordering lunch for?
Scholar Name (1)
Select the days your scholar will be getting school lunch within the next lunch week.

Lunch Menu - Please select your scholar's preferences from the menu below.

Monday - Chicken Sandwich and French Fries 🍟🍗
Monday Beverage Choice
Tuesday- Grilled Chicken Wrap
Tuesday Beverage Choice
Wednesday - Hamburger Sliders
Wednesday Beverage Choice
Thursday- Chicken Drumettes and Meatballs
Thursday Beverage Choice
Friday - Pizza Day!!
Friday Beverage Choice